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AI Weekly #1: How AIyudame is Changing the Game for Learning Spanish

As we've encountered the wonders first hand of developing AI related systems, we also want to promote other developers doing the same. We're starting this blog series to share some of our favorite AI-related products we've discovered.

Introducing: AIyudame.

If you’ve always wanted to feel like you’re playing a retro text-based adventure game that simultaneously teaches you to speak and read a new language, AIyudame is the app for you. AIyudame is a conversational AI chatbot using OpenAI that will provide engaging responses that truly exhibit its ability to comprehend, while even continuing the conversation with follow up questions. This is a game changer for the world of language learning!

Done reading? Check out AIyudame here:

Ok, so you still have questions…like, “How is this application possible all the sudden?” We’ve got answers. The public release of OpenAI, has brought AI tech to the forefront, and its progress since taking the spotlight has been fueled by state-of-the-art deep learning, massive datasets, iterative enhancements driven by user feedback, and a vibrant community of developers and researchers, making headlines in the field of natural language processing. This is especially true for AI that can translate and manage conversations. Thus AIyudame.

If you’re learning Spanish or simply maintaining your conversational skills, AIyudame can help you. Over 80% of its users have reported that they have been enjoying the language more since they started using AIyudame. In addition the average user who has started using AIyudame has improved their response time by 35% since beginning (and thats only since the app was released in July!)

Try it out free here.

Here's what to expect if you try it out yourself:

1.Initially supports English and Spanish conversations, Italians is on its way!

2.Maria will introduce herself, making it easy to get right into conversation

3.To respond you simply hit record, verbalize your response, and then stop recording.

4.Interact with the Spanish language bot as you would any individual. It’ll guide you down whatever topic you’d like to discuss. This is especially great since you can talk about specific topics for as long as you want until you feel you have a comfortable grasp on the vocabulary used in that subject.

5. Best of all, you can click on words in its responses to have the bot break down not only the exact translation, but its contextual meaning as well!

Now that you know what to expect, check out AIyudame here

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